We don’t deliver a product, we deliver an experience.

What we are remembered for:

  • At Wega Healthcare, we purpose to engage in strong, loyal and lasting relationships with our customers.
  • We prioritize compliance and technical excellence when handling our customers’ confidential information.
  • We ensure rapid delivery with the highest quality standards, attributable to our extensive distribution network.

Have an account with us!


  1. To be a registered business in Kenya. (Copy of certificate required).
  2. To be registered with the Pharmacy and Poisons Board. The board is the one mandated to authorize the business to trade in health products and technologies. (Copy of Certificate required).
  3. To be registered with Kenya Revenue Authority. (Copy of PIN required).
  4. To fill out an Account Opening Request (AOR) Form. (Submit Here)

Coming soon:

Customers will soon be able to reach us online on a secure portal.  Through the portal, they will:

  • Place orders directly
  • View their orders history
  • Access reports, graphs and
  • Other live data on their orders 24/7.

Care for some assistance?

  • Require a quotation?  (Link Here)
  • Send an LPO? (Link Here)
  • Raise concern regarding delays in delivery? (Link Here)
  • Have a concern on the state of product delivered? (E.g. short expiry, damaged secondary package?)  (Link Here)
  • Require a statement of your account? (Link Here)
  • Require a proforma invoice or a 2nd copy of invoice? (Link Here)

Available Discounts and Offers! Do not miss out while stocks last.

Collaborate with us!

Are you looking to establish a significant contribution to the community? Wega Healthcare has been an avid and generous supporter of the professional organizations and communities in the region. In this regard, we invite you to collaborate with us on these noble events. (Submit Here)