Come Join our Team!

Discover how we create a different experience in healthcare that is innovative and inspiring.

Our Commitment

To The Team:

Inclusivity, Sustainability & Scalability are key, at Wega Healthcare.

Growth at Wega Healthcare:

Starting your career at Wega Healthcare means embarking on an experience like no other; accessing diverse opportunities with a rewarding career.

At Wega Healthcare, we encourage you to grow, learn and fulfill your potential. We empower you to steer your personalized development plan to where you want to be and inspire you to be at your best. In fact, we have designed an Internal Development Program (IDP) to provide you with the essential skills and knowledge, necessary for your current and future success at the workplace.

Our Leads proactively seek to have continuous, meaningful and structured dialogues with you, to enhance your performance. As a result, Wega Healthcare staff fill almost 75% of our open senior vacancies. We believe that it is essential we support the growth and development of our people, to secure the future of our business.

Benefits & Wellbeing:

“Wellbeing starts with your Inner- self”.

We know that when you feel good, you do well, both personally and professionally. That is why we take pride in nurturing one’s financial, mental, physical and social needs. 


To ensure one enjoys a rewarding career and are at their best at work, as well as in life; we frequently review our benefits package and range of wellbeing initiatives. They may include:

  • Fair and competitive wages
  • Financial rewards and compensations
  • Ongoing career development opportunities
  • Flexible working and
  • Health benefits


Additionally, when it comes to supporting positive mental wellbeing, we encouraged the team members to nurture it in five simple steps including:

  • Prioritizing sleep
  • Being active
  • Staying present
  • Connecting with other people and
  • Giving to others


We also recognize that, one truly grows and evolves when their abilities, skills and thoughts are valued in a caring, safe, respectful and inclusive environment. That is why, Wega Healthcare continues to nurturing the following:

  • Good leadership
  • A sense of purpose
  • A sense of freedom
  • Clear goals and
  • Guaranteed feedback


In order to complete the Wega Healthcare Wellbeing Framework (WHWF) with the four interconnecting pillars, we are currently looking into introducing a Nutrition and Fitness Program (NFP) for our team members. As of now, we are mainly involved in:

  • Nature walks
  • Tree planting and
  • Team building activities


Giving back to the communities:

We at Wega Healthcare believe in “giving back” as a great virtue that should be upheld. Our commitment to making a positive difference includes the patients we care for, as well as the communities we touch. Thus, when an opportunity arises, we are ready to volunteer and support a noble cause. 

We believe that investing in communities is not merely a choice, but our responsibility.

Health Innovation Award (HIA) and Health Humanization Award (HHA):

Our vision is to create a different experience in healthcare that is innovative and inspiring. Thus, in search of this vision, we have opened our hearts to recognizing those who are health innovators and health humanizers.

 A Black Tie – Gala Award Ceremony (BT-GAC) is held in December every 3 years where the most voted is announced. Vote someone in and let us know why you believe your nominee is best suited for the award.

Protecting our Planet:

We support PPB, NEMA and community pharmacies through their professional organizations, to ensuring pharmaceutical waste is disposed appropriately. The aim is to minimize the negative impact chemical waste has on nature, as we are mindful of the environment.

Life at Wega:

Making a difference

At Wega, we network, build relationships, and address issues that matter. Working with us means being part of something bigger. Wega's commitment to making a difference is unparalleled. Their dedication to social responsibility and community engagement sets them apart. I've witnessed firsthand how Wega's initiatives have positively impacted lives and shaped communities for the better. It's inspiring to be associated with a company that prioritizes meaningful change and actively contributes to building a brighter future.

Sense of purpose:

Being at Wega Healthcare fills one with a sense of purpose and belonging in a caring environment. We are united by an undeniable feeling that we are building something greater than we are. Every day, our work goes beyond mere tasks; it's about making a tangible difference in people's lives. At Wega, our shared commitment to healthcare excellence and compassion gives us a profound sense of fulfillment and drives us to exceed expectations. It's more than a job; it's a meaningful journey where each of us plays a crucial role in shaping a healthier, brighter future for all.

Strength in collective intelligence:

At Wega Healthcare, we tap into our diverse skill sets, perspectives, expertise, nationalities, and backgrounds to accelerate innovation in healthcare and discover new ways to make a difference. We understand that true innovation can come from anywhere and anyone. That's why we prioritize and celebrate the strength of collective intelligence, where every voice is valued, encouraged, and amplified. By fostering an environment where ideas flow freely and collaboration thrives, we empower our team members to unleash their full potential and drive transformative change in healthcare. Together, we're not just shaping the future; we're revolutionizing it for the better.

Helping communities & each other:

Through our passion for health and wellbeing, we are dedicated to making a difference in the communities we touch in the region – those in which we live and work. We recognize the importance of giving something back. As part of our CSR, we encourage our employees to participate in activities and provide time off to support humanitarian causes. This enables you to use your skills to benefit others and society.

How we Hire:

  • E-mail your application and CV to 
  • Await an invitation for an interview
  • Ensure it is the right role for you
  • Attend a screening interview/call
  • Attend final interview
  • Discover a rewarding career

It is important to Wega Healthcare that it is the right company for you, as you are for it.


  • Nervous about interview? Practice in front of a mirror, with a friend or family member.
  • Be yourself! We are interested in who you are.
  • Express about values. They are important too.
  • Do not be afraid to ask us any questions; we are willing to respond.
  • An interview is not only about your skills; let your personality show!

Security Disclaimer:

  • Wega Healthcare Ltd, like any other companies, may unknowingly be subjected to recruitment frauds.
  • Wega Healthcare will never ask you to pay them or a third party to be eligible for work at the company.
  • If you have any concerns, please make sure your job offer is genuine and shared by Wega Healthcare. You should be able to communicate with Wega Healthcare via the official email: 
  • If you encounter any suspicious behaviour during the hiring process, kindly contact us via an official channel such as via